Forrester Total Economic Impact demonstrates 331% ROI with Stackline

Looking at the revenue growth and cost savings that Stackline delivers.

Forrester Total Economic Impact demonstrates 331% ROI with Stackline

Forrester Total Economic Impact (TEI) demonstrates 331% ROI with Stackline

The Forrester Total Economic Impact (TEI) Study, commissioned by Stackline, examines the potential return on investment (ROI) for enterprises that deploy Stackline's professional services and software solutions.  

With the rapid growth of ecommerce, organizations are seeking technology offerings that will provide timely and accurate insights into market share, brand performance, and competitive landscape, which often requires a significant investment.  

To better understand the benefits, costs, and risks of investing in Stackline services, Forrester Consulting conducted a series of in-depth interviews with long-term Stackline customers. The conclusion? Firms have seen increased performance in retail media, operational efficiencies, and profit margins, as a direct result of implementing Stackline's full-funnel connected commerce platform.

Key Highlights  

  • 30% YOY revenue growth
  • $1.4M incremental profit increase in ROAS, resulting in a 25% lift
  • $1.2M avoided costs of previous or alternative solutions

Download the study here.

Michael Lagoni

Michael Lagoni


Since founding Stackline in 2014, Michael has focused on building technologies for thousands of brands, retailers, and professional service firms.


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